Quotes to Consider

"Dirty deeds didn't come as cheap as the song had suggested and led me to believe..."


Updated 06-12-12

So, you found your way to my FAQs page, huh? Cool. I'll answer as many of the questions as I can. I'll update this when I get new questions, too. 

Thanks for comin' out.

Q: Where can I get your books?
A: I'm not published yet, so you'll have to wait in line with everyone else.

Q: Where can I contact you?
A: On Twitter: @thekiriyamaheir
Email: thekiriyamaheir@gmail.com

Q: Why are your blog entries so inconsistent?
A: Because I have a life, mostly. I write blogs when I think of something to say, or when I feel there is a point to make. Or when I'm not asleep but should be...
Or are we referring to the contents of my blog? That's because I just talk here. Regardless of what you think or expect. I just talk, and am myself.

Q: Do you really have insomnia?
A: My blood caffeine level is over 9000

Q: What are you working on right now?
A: Not falling asleep at my computer.

Q: Do you have an agent?
A: Not as of yet, why? Do you know someone who'd be willing to represent me?

Q: Why haven't you shared any stories with us lately?
A: I only publish stories on my blog that I have no intention of submitting to a publisher. Right now, 'free' stories are taking a bit of a back seat. Sorry.

Q: Aren't you home alone all day, most days?
A: What's your point?

Q: If you're a time-traveler, why haven't you gone back and killed Hitler and stopped the holocaust?
A: I never said I was a GOOD time-traveler. I might be a mediocre one. Or an evil one, for that matter and you just don't know it yet.

Q: Are you sure you don't wanna sleep?
A: I'll sleep when I'm dead. Or when you're dead. We'll see which happens first.

Q: What is your ranged weapon of choice in the Zombie Apocalypse?
A: Apparently, "chicken cannon" isn't a legitimate response so I have to say slingshot.

Q: Are you a girl?
A: There are no girls on the Internet, but when I'm not on the Internet, yes, yes I am.

Q: Are you single?
A: I could be. Depends on who's asking.