Quotes to Consider

"Dirty deeds didn't come as cheap as the song had suggested and led me to believe..."

About Me


My name is Kai Kiriyama. Welcome to my little corner of the web.

I'm a writer of things. I focus mostly on novels, shorts, and scripts. I don't do poetry.

I am a monthly contributor to Zombie Training Magazine (www.zombietraining.com) and I write about film, TV, video games, and sometimes submit short stories there, too.

I dunno what to tell you that doesn't sound like a personal ad. I live in Canada, I have a pet snake named Rhaegar. I cosplay. I like video games but completely suck at them. I read comics. (make mine Marvel!) I cook. (And am pretty good at it if I may say so.) I'm a geek girl. I love Doctor Who. I grew up watching Star Trek more than I did watching Star Wars, but can appreciate the merits of both. I am a time-traveler, a zombie killer, a redneck, a gamer, a geek, a girl and am completely unforgettable.

Please feel free to drop me a line anytime. I love to chat and will ALWAYS answer you. And comments are ALWAYS welcome on my blog. Always.

Email me: thekiriyamaheir@gmail.com
Facebook: Author: Kai Kiriyama
Twitter: @thekiriyamaheir

Oh, and if you're crazy like me and you participate in NaNoWriMo, I'm KaliYuga.


Kai Kiriyama